Monday, July 16, 2007

Yes, They are Fucking Nazis

A mother with boisterous 18 month old child has been thrown off an jet liner. "Bye bye plane" while waving at another aircraft rolling down the taxiway was enough to invoke the all powerful "Security Risk" rule.

Within 72 hours another young boy, about age 6 was denied boarding because his name somehow appeared on the Terror Watchlist.

You might think my post title has something to do with the government. Naw...

I'm talking about a large percentage of John Q. Public.

The news story about the mother and child getting tossed as a security risk had close to 7000 comments where I read it. Frighteningly, well over one third of those responses were in favor of the action. Some actually believed that "Safety" required the 18 month old potential TANGO (Terrorist) be removed and investigated. I remember feeling the dazed question marks rising from my head as I read these opinions.

As one poster asked pointedly: Do they think the child is going to produce and Uzi or AK-47 from his diaper?

Most of the posters in favor of tossing the mother and kid, just didn't like flying with children in general and often suggested any child be removed from a flight if unruly. Which basically amounts to a ban of mothers and children from airplanes. After all, children are very likely to be difficult when in the grasp of the TSA and the airport system in general. It's loud, busy, and uncomfortable. It makes me, a 40 year old man, want to scream, yell, and be a bad citizen as well.

I, of course, am an adult and behave like one. I don't expect that from 18 month old children. Especially in this day and age where giving a child a dirty look is considered child abuse. Hmmm, maybe we can prosecute the Flight Attendant for cruelty to a child or something.

In any case, she, like the thousand or so people who support kicking children of planes from that news topic, should be forever forced to wear Nazi armbands. I must assume that a large chunk of the American people feel this way. I also assume that a smart power hungry politician could use these ignorant, self serving Nazis to further their own power agenda and make a once Free (as in speech) country, into a Soviet like pit where people have to look over their shoulder constantly. They would pray they don't annoy some cunt that's supposed to be in the service industry and make you feel welcome, but instead has been given a mandate to make our flights "safe" by kicking children off planes.

That "Flight Attendant" should be fired. Sued for and flogged. I'm sure she has a tough and thankless job. I'm sure the greedy corporation she works for, doesn't pay her enough. However I'm sure she gets paid more than the average burger flipper who puts up with more bullshit and a far less sanitary environment. If she doesn't like people so much, maybe the dumb bitch should find a less people oriented job.

Myself, I'm not a huge fan of children. I don't have any myself. However I was one at one time and I try to be gracious and accommodating when forced into close proximity with them. Such as when traveling on a large flying bus. It's essentially public transportation and you can't chose who you fly with. Some of those Nazi fucks had the gall to suggest that this mother should either make sure her child is a perfect little angel for other's benefit or next time charter a plane for herself.

Holy shit! Maybe if these fuckheads want to have such a comfortable flight, they should pay the thousand(s) dollar premium for first class, or they themselves should charter a plane so they can travel in the luxury and style they seem to think they deserve.

It's a bus people. Airbus the company called it right. Noise can be blocked out with earplugs or better yet a good set of headphones and an iPod. Try 16 hours on a trans pacific flight with a baby kicking the back of your chair. That's annoying and should be corrected but it doesn't rise to the level of stop and drop them off at the nearest airstrip.

It's sad that we have such a cold, intollerant society. It's no wonder we as Americans find ourselves loathed by many in the world. Bush can only be blamed for so much. I'm starting to believe he is just a symptom of the problem. A result of the kind of assholes we as a people are becoming.



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