The Real World
Saw the new Harry Potter movie. Decent. Great effects. Left me kinda expecting more movie though. I also saw Zathura and felt the same. Is it just me or do the screen writers put all their effort into the beginning and middle of the movie and just do the end as an after-thought? Many video games are the same. You play and enjoy the story as it builds, but at the end, it's sudden and final. No nice wrap up or sunset to ride into. I think this blows.
Much like being back from vacation. I hate returning and not because I hate being home. I just hate being back to the same old shit. It never ends, or at least it doesn't end before you die.
A grim outlook I know but it's how I'm feeling. I'd go into it but it's just not worth wasting the time of my gentle readers. Just another worthless rant that changes nothing. We are what we are and so it goes...